Yes folks, I am entirely in the thick of it now - the fabled 'second book' that I've been promising for seven years. Yes, SEVEN, count 'em, seven years since the first book came out.
So much has happened since then, I wouldn't even know where to start explaining - but things are definitely back on track for book number 2, and I'm very excited about it. I wanted to work to a deadline, so I set myself the writing challenge of having text finished by Samhain. That's just a first draft though, so I'm not sure how long it'll take beyond that to get the rough work that I've been churning out (on track with the deadline, I may proudly note, despite the difficulty it usually poses), ready for viewing by the world at large.
I've pretty much decided to go the digi book route, and print on demand for those of us who love a good old fashioned ream of paper in our paws. I do plan to have special deluxe gift packs available though, for the truly old fashioned among us - I will secure and prettify your paper copy, and bundle it up with some lovely bits and bobs so you get a nice present in the post. Hopefully all of this will be ready in time for holiday season gifts ;o)
You can keep up with the daily trials and tribulations, and even help out with the writing process by contributing your thoughts and desires for what YOU want to see in the new book, on Facebook - and by following me on Twitter -
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