Sunday, November 11, 2012

Irish Spirituality

Seo é mo bhealach draíochta, scéal aon bhean-draoí Eireannach

Slí Aon Dhraoí - the way of one user of magic, Druid, seeker of an Irish Journey - but not just my way, not just the way of one of us, this is a way for any one of us.

A Practical Guide to Irish Spirituality, the aforementioned 'Second Book', was conceived at Lughnasadh, and written by Samhain (2012).  At times I felt the shape of this book grew all by itself, though the words were mine.  Our Irish community supported me, encouraged me, made suggestions and offered advice.  This is work that needed to be done.

Even if you are not interested in the Celtic World, the symbolism that Irish Spirituality provokes belongs more to the soul than to a culture or race of people. To be inspired, to question yourself as a person and the way of your life, is a must for your personal development.  Irish Spirituality is not a script which demands that you follow a certain pathway; it invokes your conscious thought - allowing you to view life as it could be, not as it is. It does not pressure as some religions do, it does not demand as society does; exploring your Irish Spirituality gives you the space and depth to breathe, in your own time and at your own speed.

I have been told time and again that this is a year of change, of unblocking, of gathering momentum and movement.  Ireland needs change.  Our country needs her people strong, connected, standing together, no matter where your feet happen to be placed right now.  Community strength, from the grassroots up, is essential for our survival, and our children's future in Ireland, and with Ireland.

Community in our modern age:  Twitter @IrishSpiritual
Explore Your Connection:

Friday, September 14, 2012

The 'Second Book'

Yes folks, I am entirely in the thick of it now - the fabled 'second book' that I've been promising for seven years.  Yes, SEVEN, count 'em, seven years since the first book came out.

So much has happened since then, I wouldn't even know where to start explaining - but things are definitely back on track for book number 2, and I'm very excited about it.  I wanted to work to a deadline, so I set myself the writing challenge of having text finished by Samhain.  That's just a first draft though, so I'm not sure how long it'll take beyond that to get the rough work that I've been churning out (on track with the deadline, I may proudly note, despite the difficulty it usually poses), ready for viewing by the world at large.

I've pretty much decided to go the digi book route, and print on demand for those of us who love a good old fashioned ream of paper in our paws.  I do plan to have special deluxe gift packs available though, for the truly old fashioned among us - I will secure and prettify your paper copy, and bundle it up with some lovely bits and bobs so you get a nice present in the post.  Hopefully all of this will be ready in time for holiday season gifts  ;o)

You can keep up with the daily trials and tribulations, and even help out with the writing process by contributing your thoughts and desires for what YOU want to see in the new book, on Facebook - and by following me on Twitter -

Friday, August 31, 2012

Interact with me!

So, I have an Amazon Author Page now, confirmed by the publisher and everything.  Go me with the organisation!

I'm on Twitter @LoraOB, which is only eating up the time, even with the excellent smart phone thingumy that is useful and frustrating in equal measure.  But I do get to see Wil Wheaton and Neil Gaiman slag each other, so that's obviously worth it.

Then there's the old faithful of Facebook, where I can be found at /LoraOBrienInk.

Hope to see ye around sometime!

Oh, I also have a website at  There, I think that's it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reversal of Traditional Roles: a Research Proposal

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